
/ Parents / Parent Resources / Reopening Plan - September 2020 / Bay Shore Reopening Plan / Health & Safety / Contact Tracing / If a Student or Staff becomes ill with Symptoms of COVID-19 at school
If a Student or Staff becomes ill with Symptoms of COVID-19 at school

School staff must immediately report any illness of students or staff to the school nurse or other designated school staff. Such reports should be made in compliance with FERPA and Education Law 2-d. If there are several students waiting to see the school nurse, arrangements should be made to have students wait at least six (6) feet apart. School nurses and other school health professionals assessing or providing care to ill students and staff should follow transmission-based precautions, which includes the use of appropriate PPE.

Students suspected of having COVID-19 awaiting transport home by the parent/guardian will be isolated in a room or area separate from others, with a supervising adult present and utilizing appropriate PPE. Multiple students suspected of having COVID-19 may be in this isolation room if they can be separated by at least six (6) feet or appropriate physical barriers. Students who are sent home under the suspicion of having COVID-19 will be required to be evaluated by a healthcare provider. If the student is not able to provide documentation of a visit to a healthcare provider, he/she will not be allowed to return to school for ten (10) days or until documentation is provided.

Staff who appear to have symptoms while at work or become sick during the workday will immediately be separated from other staff and sent home and/or to a healthcare provider. Medical clearance will be needed to return to work. The documentation should include the name of the physician, date of the visit, date of clearance to return to work and the result of a COVID-19 test, if administered. Staff members who refuse to provide documentation of an evaluation by a healthcare provider must stay out of work for ten (10) days or until documentation is provided. The staff member may be required to use sick time for the time they are out of work.

Please be advised that there are very specific parameters for applying COVID-19 time to absences. They will be discussed by Human Resources when you report your circumstances.

Schools must follow CDC guidance for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. If a person is not diagnosed by a healthcare provider (physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant) with COVID-19, they can return to school: 

  • Once there is no fever, without the use of fever reducing medicines, and they have felt well for 24 hours;

  • If they have been diagnosed with another condition and have a healthcare provider-written note stating they are clear to return to school.

If a person is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a healthcare provider based on a test or their symptoms, or does not get a COVID-19 test but has had symptoms, they should not be at school and should stay at home until: 

  • It has been at least ten (10) days since the individual first had symptoms; and

  • It has been at least three (3) days since the individual has had a fever (without using fever reducing medicine); and

  • It has been at least three (3) days since the individual’s symptoms improved, including cough and shortness of breath.