
/ Parents / Parent Resources / Reopening Plan - September 2020 / Bay Shore Reopening Plan / Health & Safety / Social Distancing
Social Distancing

New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) guidance defines appropriate social distancing as “six feet of space in all directions between individuals or use of appropriate physical barriers between individuals that do not adversely affect air flow, heating, cooling, or ventilation or otherwise present a health or safety risk.” Social distancing must be followed at all times unless “safety or the core activity (such as instruction, moving equipment, using an elevator, traveling in common areas) requires a shorter distance.” There are certain activities where more than six (6) feet of distance must be maintained. Specifically, both the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and New York State Education Department NYSED guidance documents require that a distance of twelve (12) feet in all directions is required when individuals are participating in activities that require voice projection such as singing, playing a wind instrument, or aerobic activity (e.g., participating in physical education classes). When social distancing cannot be maintained, individuals are required to wear acceptable face coverings. 

All building occupants will be required to maintain social distancing of at least six (6) feet from one another. In those instances where social distance is not possible, face masks must be worn. In some cases, other forms of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) may be necessary.

In order to accommodate social distancing in each school building, the district will take the following general actions:

  • Size of groups/cohorts of students will be determined by the number of students who can be in each classroom while maintaining six (6) feet of social distancing, or provisioned with the use of appropriate physical barriers;

  • Some large common areas, such as auditoriums and gymnasiums, may be repurposed as instructional space to accommodate a larger number of students in the same class;

  • Furnishings may be removed to maximize capacity;

  • Student entry points may be divided, rather than funneling all students through the same entry space, to limit the amount of close contact between students in high-traffic situations and times. 

  • Designated areas will be established for student drop-off and pick-up, limiting contact and entry of parents/ guardians into the building, to the greatest extent possible.

  • In-school movement will be reduced where possible by keeping students within a defined area or classroom and, if possible, 

    • Have the same cohort of students with the same teacher each day 

    • Special area teachers (e.g., music, art, physical education) may go to individual classrooms, as opposed to rotating all students through a shared space 

  • Bathrooms may be monitored by staff to ensure social distancing, that it is clean, and that students are washing hands after use. 

  • Classroom desks will face in the same direction rather than facing each other, to reduce transmission caused by virus-containing droplets (e.g., from talking, coughing, sneezing).

  • If possible, windows will be open to improve ventilation. 

  • Visual aids (e.g., painter’s tape, stickers, posters, cones, etc.) will be used to illustrate traffic flow and appropriate spacing, to support social distancing. 

  • A distance of twelve (12) feet in all directions will be maintained between individuals while partic- ipating in activities requiring projecting the voice (e.g., singing, playing a wind instrument, or aerobic activity)

  • Visitor access to school buildings will be restricted, and online meetings with parents and other persons will be utilized when feasible.