/ Physical Education & Health / Physical Education / Bay Shore Middle School / Curriculum / 8th Grade Curriculum – Choices/ Wellness Center / Basketball



Students will:

  • demonstrate proper dribbling technique with dominant and non-dominant hands
  • demonstrate proper bounce pass and chest pass technique
  • demonstrate proper lay-up technique for both right side and left side lay-ups
  • demonstrate proper shooting technique
  • demonstrate proper guarding technique
  • demonstrate proper rebounding technique


Students will:

  • implement offensive and defensive strategies in game play (balancing the court, give and go, fast break, person-to-person defense)
  • understand basic rules and terminology (traveling, double dribble, scoring, 3-second zone)
  • identify the various careers in basketball


Students will:

  • communicate with peers in a positive and productive manner
  • exhibit leadership
  • understand importance of followership
  • demonstrate accountability for responsibilities to peers